Get Ready For Support

One of the things that people dont set up right near the start of their online businesses is a proper support desk. I neglected this myself as well. It is somehow not *sexy* I guess.
Thing is, until you are selling products, you are unlikely to get support requests so most marketers only think about it when they are starting to get e-mails and find it difficult to keep on top of them. Then they often just install an open source product in a rush and try to figure it out (not always easy).
A good support desk does more than allow you to keep yourself organised…it allows you to bring in support staff when needed and, for your customers, it shows that you take product support seriously and gives you a professional appearance.
My advice would be to set up a sub-domain called “support” and a dedicated support@ email address right at the very start. Get to know your way around a support desk system before you actually need it. It will be one less thing that you do in a “panic” without being able to choose your system properly and get to know it when you really need it.
I am testing out a new support desk system right now which is very easy to use and free but also has advanced (paid) options for businesses when they grow. So far, it looks very impressive. When I have finished testing, I will make a post here about it. So watch out for that.
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