Barry Rodgers

Author's posts

My Simple Test For New Landing Pages

How Much Written Content Are People Outsourcing? My Survey Results Are In!

These tools are ideal for creating articles from scratch but they also help you create sales copy, headlines, AIDA and PAS sales copy, a cool thing called “BAB” which gives you a before and after plus a bridge paragraph – ideal for email writing. You can also re-write PLR in minutes using this! Shortly is …

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Connecting Your Autoresponder To Any Software App Without Using Zapier

Substack: What Is It And Why Are People Getting Excited?

ConvertBox Got Better Yet Again!

You all know that I am a big fan of Convertbox. I grabbed it way back when it was first in beta (it was called ConvertBar back then).  I liked the fact that I could have a load of sticky top & bottom bars doing all kinds of things on any of my sites or …

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Why Everyone Who Does Email Marketing Should Get The Hive

“Build a list” they say.  It’s good advice. Email is still king when it comes to online marketing. For the reason that email addresses are like bellybuttons – everyone has got one. You can’t get a social media account unless you have an email address. They are pretty universal – My 18 year old sons …

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6 Massive Time Sucks for Work-From-Home Entrepreneurs

Content Upgrades – A Smarter Way to Build Your Lists

Some Advice To Keep You Sane

Why Make Things Complicated To Use?

 The tools for online marketers have certainly changed, even in the last handful of years. Gone are the days of having to learn some HTML and PHP code to design and edit websites and jury rig things together. Now there are wonderful things you can do in a few clicks that would take hours (and …

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