Here is a neat little SEO trick to get your brand new site indexed really quickly by the major search engines.
It is totally free and relies upon high page rank forum links. It is, however 100% spam free!
Take a look at this short video to see how to do it:
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That was a brilliant piece of info, I had not thought of that before!
That’s awesome and helpful!
Thanks a lot
A very interesting and useful piece of info.indeed! Most impressed. Thanks for sharing.
Wow, that is a very neat trick! Thanks for sharing… already changed one of my signatures
Pleasure. Stay tuned for more freebies, tips and cool stuff in the new year
Great tip barry. that is the 3 rd one i have got form you now. Keep them coming and hope the cold gets better soon
I am in rude health now, Craig.
Anything neat I find, I always pass to subscribers straight away.
Good trick! I never know this piece of info will get my site indexed faster. Thanks for sharing, I will try it now.
I could not pick up what your opening statement meant relative to being a forum member.
Can you tell what I have to do to get the coding as was shown in your vid?
Hi Mike.
When you have registered on a forum you can go to your profile and will see where you can create a signature. There you can create some text and link it to a site. Some will not let you add a link in there until you have made a certain number of posts, though and often affiliate links are not allowed.
So in that area you can write your signature and use the WYSIWYG editor to link the text where you ant it to go. The linking code will be handled by the in-built WYSIWYG editor in most forums.
Just want to compliment you on a great site! All the little tips you give out make out to be great steps forward for a beginner like me. Thank You
Another wonderful tip from the Guru. Thanks Buddy.