How To Protect Your Digital Products?

You know that thing that your grandparents trot out from time to time? The thing about not having to lock doors and windows when they were young.

Where I live it’s just like that but most folks can’t get away with living like that these days.


It’s the sameĀ  with digital products…There is always someone who will gladly steal your stuff.

So, how should we deal with this?

Here are some schools of thought…

The “monetize and laugh” approach.

People who follow this model make sure that the download page is monetized to within an inch of it’s life and the product itself has loads of affiliate links or other monetization. The hope is, that when the bad guys start passing the product around, some people will actually buy something.

I get it but for two things….They are not buyers, they are thieves so the idea of parting with cash for a good product is a little beyond their ken.

Secondly…do you want scumbag customers? My guess is that they would refund quickly and still pass your product around.

The “lock everything down as tight as a duck’s ass” approach

Some are so paranoid they actually make it really difficult for a legitimate customer to purchase and get hold of their product.

Seriously…I know one marketer who has so many IP arrays banned from his server, you virtually have to live on the same street as him to have a good customer experience.

Clearly, there is a line where security becomes too much and then you will have unhappy customers.

The “Techie” approach

This is the route that most people end up taking. They buy a WordPress membership site plug-in. They tend to be a bit buggy, abit pricey and there isn’t one that does everything so you do end up owning a few of the buggers.

The main problem is there is so much to go wrong with IPN pings and passing parameters and generating usernames and passords…and then inboxing the credentials emails.

When they work, they are great but they tend to be designed to protect multi-layered continuity sites rather than a $7 ebook.

It’s a bit like training an elephant to sit on your walnuts. A bit overkill.

Which is why WP Rapid Protect is so darned perfect.

First, let me say this… You will never be able to protect your stuff 100%. The best you can do is make it less easy for arseholes. They will tend to move on to find the easier pickings elsewhere.

WP Rapid Protect is simplicity itself…for the vendor and for the customer.

The vendor can protect a page in seconds…literally.

A legitimate customer can access the page without logging in..without even an email address…..

But everyone else gets redirected wherever you like.

Sound too good to be true?

Check out the demo video on this page to see for yourself

> Click here to have a look

So, there we are. A simple solution that doesn’t get in the way.

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  1. Hey Barry, thanks for the post, I have been looking for an easy way to protect my download pages that I upload on html pages from PLR products I look to flip. I was wondering, does your WP Rapid Protect integrate with JVZoo? Like if a customer purchased a product through JVZoo, they are able to access the page through JVZoo and if they did not purchase the product but somehow know the link to my page they would not be able to access the page? I had a really bad experience with product theft where I found links to my download pages on blackhat forums, it was really sad to learn the hard way but yeah, now I’m on a mission to find a good working plugin, test it and perhaps pass it on to my list as an affiliate because I believe it’s something everything digital product seller needs.

    1. That is the beauty of this…it is simple. The answer is yes. You would put the full URL (with the security key) as your TY page in JVZoo.

      It works with any platform.

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