I am Not Tidy. This Has Been a Godsend!

I am going to pass on something that I will get no reward from but it is something that is really making my life easier just a few hours after getting it.

I am a bit of an untidy person, so when someone showed me this I just had to give it a try…

..And it is one of the best $10 I have ever spent. Already, after a few hours it has made a real difference to me.

Watch the video to see what it is, what it does and how something so simple can be such a wonderful thing for someone like me (and maybe you as well)


Here is the link: http://www.stardock.com/products/fences

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  1. Wow, Barry I need this bad! Thanks for sharing!!

    • Bill on April 1, 2015 at 10:43 am
    • Reply

    Hey Barry – been using this for years !!

    Would’nt be without it.

    AND being the cheapskate that I am I use the free version !!

    It’s ok – I can handle the nag screen occasionally.

    You’ve got me feeling guilty now – I may have to subscribe.

  2. This is so essential for every single internet marketer! Thanx for sharing even without an affiliate link.

  3. I’ve needed this for years but didn’t know what it was or where to find it!

    I love it, I want it …………..

    I’ve got it! Now to play 🙂

    Thanks a bunch Barry

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